Intolerance of Uncertainty
Do you like to have all the information at your fingertips before you make a decision? Does it make you hesitate if you don’t? Give you butterflies, cause you stress and discomfort, stop you taking decisions?
Do you sometimes miss out because you couldn’t act without knowing everything?
Do you sometimes just jump in to stop the stress, and find you’ve got yourself in a mess?
Above all, do you just hate, loathe, detest uncertainty? And is this getting in the way of your business goals?
If you find that being in uncertain situations causes stress, makes you try to avoid the situation, or interferes with your problem-solving abilities, this course is for you.

Self Esteem

Self-esteem’s your positive or negative attitude to yourself. It’s the judgements you make about yourself and your value, and part of your proof of social acceptance and belonging.
It starts with the things you learn about yourself from an early age.
You’re not always aware of low self-esteem. Sometimes you take actions to make you feel better and mask negative feelings about yourself. Sometimes you’re aware of how you feel.
The way you think about yourself and your worth doesn’t just affect how you feel. It affects your relationships, your goals. your results, your physical and mental health, and your wealth.
If you need to build a solid sense of self-esteem to support your wellbeing and future goals, this course is for you.
COMING IN 2025! Contact us to register your interest to get early bird pricing.
Self-Concept Clarity
If someone asked you to describe yourself, could you do that clearly and confidently? And would you say the same thing every day, or does how you see yourself change all the time, depending on what’s going on in your life?
When you talk about yourself, do all the different things that make up “me” hang together? Or do you find a lot of inconsistency, and different roles, personality traits and aspects of yourself that don’t sit comfortably with each other?
If you have low self-concept clarity, you’ll struggle to define yourself clearly, your views of who and what you are will change frequently, and you may struggle with conflicts between different goals and parts of your life. Having a poorly defined sense of self makes it difficult to plan and stick to goals. It’s also linked to problems with wellbeing.
It’s possible to improve the clarity of your self-concept, and build a stronger, more positive sense of self that supports your wellbeing and your life goals.
If you’re not clear and positive on who you are and who you aim to be, this course is for you.
COMING IN 2025! Contact us to register your interest to get early bird pricing.