About Us

About Lindsey

Lindsey’s interest in identity and self-concept, and how they relate to your success and wellbeing, grew from personal experience.

Following a traumatic childhood and adolescence, Lindsey built a successful career in IT project and programme management, consulting to large corporates. She specialised in developing motivated team members and high performance teams, to solve the people problems behind obvious challenges. Behind every successful project, and every successful business, are the individuals who make things happen, who pull the rabbits out of hats and get the results. She has always seen people as the most important part of any business. Lindsey has also coached individuals and small business owners around issues of imposter syndrome, self-sabotage and low confidence.

Becoming interested in why her approach worked, Lindsey did a part-time degree in Psychology around her consulting work, achieving First Class Honours, and a Chartered Management Institute Level 7 Diploma in Management and Leadership. She realised that her work was based around reinforcing a positive self-concept, but the research she needed did not exist. So she invested six years in a research PhD, looking at the role of identity and self-concept in psychological wellbeing. She achieved her doctorate in 2024.

Now Lindsey contributes to the field of Psychology with her research, and has set up Clarity Academy to provide coaching based around her research findings to individuals and businesses.

About Clarity Academy

Clarity Academy provides training for individuals looking to increase their achievements and life satisfaction, and for companies who want happier, more motivated staff who are achieving to the best of their ability.

Mission statement: Creating products that help our clients to build a clear sense of identity, so they can achieve their aspirations and live their best lives.  

Vision statement: To help overcome uncertainty caused by bad life experiences and create a more level playing field.

Value statement: We’re committed to delivering research based, accessible, affordable products – so that everyone can be supported in overcoming their past issues and securing their future goals.