About Us

From the time I started to do ok for myself, I had an interest in the things that stop people doing ok. I guess that’s because I had a difficult time when I was younger and it took me a long time to get past that. And while I was getting on in life, building a career, passing exams, I was always aware that were a lot of people with potential who hadn’t been able to do that.

I got interested in psychology and my first stop was the personal development stuff. And a lot of it sat really uncomfortably with me. Not because of a fear of doing anything, or not being able to be positive, but because of the relentless push to think, feel and behave out of sync with where you really are. I could see how it could work for some people, in some situations, really well – but also how some of the methods could bring a huge amount of needless stress. And I hated the constant push for one more course, one more product, to be the magic bullet. There was far too much of the emotion driven sales, and often a lack of real substance. I also saw people struggling with stress and sadness who desperately wanted to get past it, and hoped one more cheque would fix that.

By that time, I was a project and programme management consultant and a CMI Chartered Manager. I was mentoring people in the workplace and I started coaching outside it. I always wanted to help people get on and achieve their goals, especially people who were really aspiration but were struggling with some block or thought process they couldn’t get past. Even then, most of what I did was based around identity, though I couldn’t have defined it like that. I did a psychology degree in my spare time and got a First, but the research I wanted didn’t exist. So I did an PhD and researched it myself.

So many people have huge potential but are stopped from achieving their highest goals by beliefs, emotions and behaviours linked into things they’ve experienced. Trying to push against these blocks can cause distress and discomfort, and stop you going for the things you really want. My goal is to provide the understanding and the methods that will give you the power to get that out of your way and build the life you’re striving for.

I wanted as many people as possible to have access to information that will remove the barriers standing between you, and both success and wellbeing.

I put together Identity Academy with a small team so I could offer information in a format that’s affordable and accessible. The main focus will be online training courses that come in a series of modules and workbooks that you can work through in your own time. Every course will deal with a specific problem that decreases wellbeing and blocks achievement. By the time you finish the course, you’ll understand how the problems works, and you’ll have a complete toolkit to work on it. And once you buy a course, there’s no time limit on access.

The first courses will be built around the topics I focused on in my PhD research – intolerance of uncertainty, low self-esteem and low-self-concept clarity. More courses will be developed over time. And because I want Identity Academy to be a resource that you can always rely on to support you – we’re open to developing courses on request, if people have specific needs.

Going forward, I hope to be offering 2 day workshops, and 1-2-1 coaching, around the identity work that supports achievement, confidence, motivation and psychological wellbeing.

In the future, we’ll also be looking to develop courses for the workplace, because I’ve seen how bad management plays out, both in terms of staff wellbeing and career development, and company productivity and staff turnover. I’ve also got a CMI Level 7 Diploma (Masters equivalent) in Leadership and Management, and a huge interest in building happy, high performing teams.

Mission, Vision and Values

Mission statement: To make support for aspiring individuals looking to break through psychological barriers affordable, accessible and enjoyable. 

Vision statement: To help the greatest possible number of people become as successful in life and content in mind as they seek to be.

Value statement: We’re committed to delivering research based products that are available to everyone – so you can be supported in overcoming your past experiences and securing your future goals.